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Is it better to have a mix of mutual funds and GICs for retirement? Or just mutual funds?



Our response:

Diversification is a way to try to reduce the risk of your portfolio by choosing a mix of investments. The key to diversification is to not put everyone in one investment. Your overall investment portfolio should match your risk tolerance, but each investment may have different characteristics, to minimize overall risk.

Mutual funds can provide built-in diversification. Here are four reasons investors may decide to choose mutual funds. Guaranteed investment certificates (GICs) are considered one of the safest ways to invest and often form part of an investor’s portfolio. Learn more about GIC basics and risks of GICs.

We are not able to provide specific advice about your personal investments. In order to help you make informed investment decisions, we are providing unbiased resources and information.

Speak to a registered financial advisor or tax professional for advice about the options that work best for your investment plan.

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